Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori and M. Yagiura,
``Efficient Implementations of Construction Heuristics for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem,''
Computers and Operations Research, 53 (2015) 206-222
H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura, S. Imahori and T. Ibaraki,
``Recent Progress of Local Search in Handling the Time Window Constraints of the Vehicle Routing Problem,''
Annals of Operations Research, (reprint version), 204, (April 2013) 171–187
H. Hashimoto, T. Sugiyama, Y. Tanaka, M. Yagiura,
``A Local Search Algorithm to Find a Scheduling Table for Real-Time Systems,''
Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 6 (2012) 741-751
S. Imahori, Y. Miyamoto, H. Hashimoto, Y. Kobayashi, M. Sasaki, M. Yagiura,
``The Complexity of the Node Capacitated In-Tree Packing Problem,''
Networks, 59 (2012) 13-21
H. Hashimoto, S. Boussier, M. Vasquez, C. Wilbaut,
``A GRASP Based Approach for Technicians and Interventions Scheduling for Telecommunications,''
Annals of Operations Research, 183 (2011) 143-161
H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura, S. Imahori, T. Ibaraki,
``Recent Progress of Local Search in Handling the Time Window Constraints of the Vehicle Routing Problem,''
4OR, 8(2010) 221-238
H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura,
``An LP-Based Algorithm for Scheduling Preemptive and/or Non-preemptive Real-time Tasks,''
Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 4 (2010) 578-587
S. Boussier, H. Hashimoto, M. Vasquez, C. Wilbaut,
``Un algorithme GRASP pour le problème de planification de techniciens et d'interventions pour les télécommunications,''
RAIRO Operations Research, 43 (2009) 387-407
H. Hashimoto, Y. Ezaki, M. Yagiura, K. Nonobe, T. Ibaraki, A. Løkketangen,
``A Set Covering Approach for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with General Constraints on Each Route,''
Pacific Journal of Optimization, 5 (2009) 185-202
H. Hashimoto,M. Yagiura and T. Ibaraki,
``An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,''
Discrete Optimization, 5 (2008) 434-456
H. Hashimoto, T. Ibaraki, S. Imahori and M. Yagiura,
``The Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Time Windows and Traveling Times,''
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154 (2006) 2271-2290
S. Fukatsu, Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura,
`` An Efficient Method for Checking Overlaps and Construction Algorithms for the Bitmap Shape Packing Problem,''
The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,
December 9-12, 2014 (Malaysia), 5 pages.
Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura,
``Efficient Construction Heuristic Algorithms for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem,''
International Symposium on Scheduling,
July 18-20, 2013 (Tokyo, Japan),
pp.80-85, Best Paper Award of Scheduling Theory.
Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura,
``A New Construction Heuristic Algorithm for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem: A Bridge between the Best-Fit and Bottom-Left Algorithms,''
The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,
December 10-13, 2012, (Hong Kong),
J. Itoyanagi, H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura,
``A local search algorithm with large neighborhoods for the maximum weighted independent set problem,''
The Ninth Metaheuristics International Conference,
Udine, Italy, July 25-28, 2011, pp.191-200.
T. Sugiyama, Y. Tanaka, H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura,
``An algorithm to find a scheduling table for embedded systems,''
International Symposium on Scheduling, July 2-4, 2011 (Osaka, Japan), pp.149-154.
H. Hashimoto, Y. Sonobe, M. Yagiura,
``A Multilevel Scheme with Adaptive Memory Strategy for Multiway Graph Partitioning,''
Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference
January 18-22, 2010, (Venice, Italy),
LNCS 6073, pp.188-191.
H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura,
``An LP-Based Algorithm for Scheduling Preemptive and/or Non-preemptive Real-time Tasks,''
International Symposium on Scheduling, Japan, July 4-6, 2009, pp.153-158.
S. Imahori, Y. Miyamoto, H. Hashimoto, Y. Kobayashi, M. Sasaki, M. Yagiura,
``The Complexity of the Node Capacitated In-Tree Packing Problem,''
International Network Optimization Conference, April 2009 (Pisa, Italy), 7 pages (CD-ROM).
H. Hashimoto, H. Ono, T. Uno, T. Urushihara, M. Yagiura,
``Neighborhood hashing for enumerating all frequent patterns allowing errors,''
Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation
July 19-20 2008 (Fukuoka, Japan), pp.59-66.
H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura,
``Path Relinking Approach with an Adaptive Mechanism to Control Parameters for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,''
Eighth European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
(EvoCOP 2008),
March 26-28 2008 (Naples, Italy),
LNCS 4972, pp.254-265.
H. Hashimoto, Y. Ezaki, M. Yagiura, K. Nonobe, T. Ibaraki, A. Løkketangen,
``A Set Covering Approach for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with General Constraints on Each Route,''
Proceedings of
Engineering Stochastic Local Search Algorithms: Designing, Implementing and Analyzing Effective Heuristics.
(SLS 2007),
September 6-8, 2007, (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium),
LNCS 4638, pp.192-196.
S. Boussier, H. Hashimoto, M. Vasquez,
``A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure for Technicians and Interventions Scheduling for Telecommunications,''
The Seventh Metaheuristics International Conference,
Montreal, Canada, June 25-29 2007, 3 pages (CD-ROM).
H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura and T. Ibaraki,
``An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,''
The Sixth Metaheuristics International Conference,
Vienna, Austria, August 22-26, 2005, pp.506-513.
H. Hashimoto, T. Ibaraki, S. Imahori and M. Yagiura,
``A Local Search Algorithm for Routing and Scheduling Problems with Time Window and Traveling Time Constraints,''
Proc. International Symposium on Scheduling, Japan, May 24-26, 2004, pp.143-146.
- Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura,
``A Partition-based Heuristic Algorithm for the Large-scale Rectilinear Block Packing Problem,''
IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014, p.228.
Michel Vasquez, Said Hanafi, Koji Nonobe, Mutsunori Yagiura, Hideki Hashimoto,
``Tabu Search with Global Exploration for Machine Reassignment Problem,''
IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014, p146.
- Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura,
``Efficient Implementations of Construction Heuristic Algorithms for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem,''
11th ESICUP Meeting, Beijing, China, March 2014, p.29.
Said Hanafi, Hideki Hashimoto, Koji Nonobe, Michel Vasquez, Yannick Vimont, Mutsunori Yagiura,
``Hybrid Method for Machine Reassignment Problem,''
The 25th European Conference on Operational Research, July 10, 2012.
S. Boussier, H. Hashimoto, M. Vasquez, C. Wilbaut,
``Some improvements for Technicians and Interventions Scheduling for Telecommunications,''
Workshop on Metaheuristics for Logistics and Vehicle Routing (EU/MEeting), University of Technology of Troyes, France,
October 23-24, 2008.
H. Hashimoto, S. Boussier, M. Vasquez,
``An iterated local search algorithm for technicians and interventions scheduling for telecommunications,''
Conférence conjointe FRANCOROV / ROADEF 2007, Grenoble, France, February 20-23, 2007.
H. Hashimoto, T. Ibaraki, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura,
``Generalizations of the vehicle routing problem with time windows,''
1st Workshop on Mathematical Contributions to Metaheuristics, University of Bologna, Italy, August 27-30, 2006.
H. Hashimoto, T. Ibaraki, S. Imahori, H. Nagamochi, M. Yagiura,
``Generalizations for the vehicle routing problem with time windows,''
International Workshop on Discrete Optimization, Kyoto University, Japan, December 6, 2005.
Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura,
``A Partition-based Heuristic Algorithm for the Large-scale Rectilinear Block Packing Problem,''
IFORS 2014, July 2014 (Barcelona, Spain)
Y. Hu, H. Hashimoto, S. Imahori, M. Yagiura,
``Efficient Implementations of Construction Heuristic Algorithms for the Rectilinear Block Packing Problem,''
11th ESICUP Meeting, March 2014 (Beijing, China)
- Hideki Hashimoto,
``An efficient local search framework for vehicle routing problems,''
Research seminar of The Planning, Optimization and Decision Support Group,
Molde University College, Norway, September 14, 2012.
Technical Report
S. Imahori, Y. Miyamoto, H. Hashimoto, Y. Kobayashi, M. Sasaki, M. Yagiura,
``The Complexity of the Node Capacitated In-Tree Packing Problem,''
July 2009.
H. Hashimoto, M. Yagiura and T. Ibaraki,
``An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,''
June 2007.
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